Easy Pesto Paprika Shrimp


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Easy Pesto Paprika Shrimp

A food processor.

The ‘gadget’ of the moment which, when I posted this recipe, I lamented about how it didn’t require one (and it’s experimentation was a result of making do with what I had on hand- including utensils). Even though I tried to convince myself I could make do without one, deep down….I really did.

Last week, I trekked to my local Kmart and sans car, lugged a huge (albeit cheap) food processor back to my shoebox studio. The walk back was a workout in itself and I refrained from opening it, with big intentions to do so the coming day.

Friends, that was the best decision ever.


Kim, the founder of Australia’s answer to the Vitamix- the Spectablend, reached out to me and generously offered me one of their amazing gadgets to try out. With blending AND food processor capabilities- it was just the thing to get the recipe juices flowing.

The next day, I omitted my upper body workout. Just kidding, I lugged the newly bought food processor and returned it back. The shop assistant gave me the stink eye and checked to see it wasn’t used.

The tape was still on it and the box still intact.

That night, I whipped out the Spectablend and trialled a recipe I had conjuring in my head for quite some time- A basil pesto made with almonds instead of the traditional pine nuts. I had high hopes- I’d seen the Vitamix demos, tv infomercials and read a tonne on it so the Spectablend had a lot to live up to.

It did…and I’d never seen such beautiful pesto in my life. In under 2 minutes, I had the most delicious pesto which was so addictive, I may or may not have eaten half with a spoon. I held back and used it to cover some shrimp I had in my fridge. Mixed with some spices and served over noodles, this super simple yet delicious recipe was created.

Easy Pesto Paprika Shrimp


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Easy Pesto Paprika Shrimp

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A super simple pesto recipe which screams to be mixed with shrimp for a flavour combination!


For the pesto paprika shrimp

  • 1 kilogram of peeled shrimp/prawns 2.2 lbs
  • 3/4 of homemade pesto recipe below
  • 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika
  • 2 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Rice pasta, noodles etc

For the homemade Pesto

  • 100 grams/4 ounces of fresh basil
  • 2/3 cup nuts of choice I used raw almonds
  • 3 tablespoon strong parmesan cheese
  • 3/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoon minced garlic around 3 cloves


  • In a food processor or strong blender, add all the pesto ingredients and blend until fully combined. Set aside.
  • Heat a frying pan with olive oil. When fully heated, add in the minced garlic and smoked paprika and lightly fry for 1 -2 minutes, until fragrant. Add in the shrimp and cook until they are pink and cooked.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Once cool, combine 3/4 cup of the homemade pesto with the shrimp and mix until fully incorporated.
  • Top the shrimp mixture on your favourite grain, pasta or even on top of a salad.


This shrimp freezes really well, as does the excess pesto. For the pesto, feel free to sub any nut for it but keep the rest of the ingredients the same.
Author: Arman
Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!


Linking up with Laura and Kierston for their respective recipe parties! Hope to see you guys this weekend for the Birthday Edition of Spill it, Sundays! 

Have you ever tried pesto NOT made with pine nuts?

Favourite pairing with pesto?

What should I make in this hybrid/processor next? 

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.

Arman Liew

I’m a two time cookbook author, photographer, and writer, and passionate about creating easy and healthier recipes. I believe you don’t need to be experienced in the kitchen to make good food using simple ingredients that most importantly, taste delicious.

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  1. Chicken pesto pizza!!!! Use pesto instead of sauce. Top with cheese, grilled chicken breast chunks, fresh basil, and toasted pine nuts. Fabulous!!!! I’m drooling just thinking about it.
    I also love pesto on a turkey burger!

  2. Yum this sounds good!! I don’t like fish, but it always sounds good to me, if that makes any sense haha. Definitely pinning this to add to chicken and to make for the boyfriend since he likes fish!

    1. This pesto goes so well with chicken- I made a shredded chicken salad with this pesto instead of mayo and it was amazing!

  3. I think I’ve made pesto with everything but pine nuts! Do you like dates? I love the taste but hate the texture. Enter food processor. They blend up so well to sweeten desserts!

    1. I grew up on dates and overdid it….but I do hear they are remarkable in a food processor to make balls, bites and bars 😉

  4. LOOOOOVE me some pesto. Glad you’ve finally got your hands on a high powered processor/blender!! Have a great weekend budddddy

    1. Hello there!! I’ve never had pesto but I always thought it sounds yummy. I’m from New Mexico and we are big Pinion people( pine nuts). I’m actually waiting for a kidney and am not allowed nuts in my Remal Diet, but believe me once I get my new kidney and I’m back to normal I will be trying out many of your awesome recipes. I enjoy reading you. Dina

  5. I’ve never attempted to make my own pesto but this recipe looks great.

    I’ve made some pretty awesome veggie burgers before in my food processor. I recommend you make a variation of those next.

  6. MHMMMM. First off, you did it! Your long and arduous search for a food processor has come to an end. I am so happy for you. Hugs ;). Second of all, pesto=delicious. My housemate, Tiana, specifically got a fancy one for the sole purpose of making pesto haha. I’m 100% serious, that’s all she’s EVER used it for.

    Can’t wait for all the new recipes that involve it! Also send me one so I can actually make some of those said new recipes ;).

    1. You have a friend who got one purely to make pesto? Now those are the kind of friends who are keepers 😉

  7. Woo you know you’re a foodie when a new food processor gets you giddy ;)! Love the combo of shrimp & pesto so I am all over fhis recipe. Good idea about using almonds instead of pine nuts. I really like pesto made from walnuts so will surely try this. I bet it would make a killer sandwich spread too.

    I’ve been craving smoothies but don’t own a decent blender in London yet so please make one on my behalf!

    1. Oh I bet it would taste amazing with walnuts- Why are pine nuts so damn expensive! Pesto IS a killer spread, and so good, you don’t need anything else!

      I will indeed make a smoothie on your behalf…let me turn the heater on first!

  8. I LOVE pesto – we had it the other night smothered on baked salmon – seriously good. I love the classic pesto pasta number too. Your pesto shrimp look delightful – will have to give it a whack. Make some balls or nut butter yummm!

    1. Pesto and salmon pair so well together- I need to try that out next! Definitely have nut butter on the books next!

  9. Heck yes I am making this! I think pesto may be my summer staple this year!

    I made pesto with walnuts and have used both kale and spinach on separate occasions instead of basil. It was really nice and keeps so well!

    Pesto and eggs, amazing!!!

    1. A Summer staple? It should be year round 😉

      Wow, spinach and kale work? I’ll need to try that out next!

  10. I’m so jealous of your cadillac blender/processor!!! I finally have one of each, but neither is as amazing or powerful as I dream they could be.

  11. Ooo I don’t think I’ve ever had pesto with shrimp before, but why not?! To heck with the “no cheese with fish” rule.
    Spectablend sounds awesome. Can you make me nut butters with it? I’ll trade you for…some Thai food!

    1. YES. You bet you can- in fact, I have a concoction coming up 😉

      Shrimp and pesto is amazing. Try it!

  12. Yum – we love shrimp and pesto so that is a winning combo!!
    Glad you got in such a great workout lugging the food processor home and back!!

  13. Yay for your new blender! Looking forward to see what you create.

    My mom grew basil in our backyard so we ate a lot of pesto in the summertime. Her pesto was always sans nuts so to me, it is normal. I actually prefer it this way, I’m lukewarm on pone nuts. However, I have made pesto with almonds and thought it quite tasty. Your recipe looks terrific. Pesto goes well with so many things but the best will always be homemade pasta. Another yummy use is with tuna in a pita or wrap.

    If it were me, I think I’d try making homemade Larabars. You’re very creative so I’m sure you could you up with some delicious combos.

    Have the best birthday weekend EVER! 🙂

    1. I can’t believe I grew up without eating pesto- I’m envious you were fortunate to have it as a staple 😉

      I have a pesto tuna recipe somewhere and you’re right- it is an epic combination!