Healthy White Chocolate and Macadamia Oatmeal Pudding


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A healthy, filling and delicious breakfast option which is gluten free, refined sugar free and high protein and tastes exactly like pudding! Healthy white chocolate and macadamia nut cookie inspired! 

Healthy White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Overnight Oats- Packed with protein and tasting like dessert, you won't believe it's healthy! {vegan, gluten free, dairy free recipe}-


Healthy White Chocolate and Macadamia Oatmeal Pudding

I have weird quirks. I admit it. One in particular, is my preferred method of eating oatmeal.

Oatmeal (or porridge, as it is often referred to in Australia) is the ultimate comfort breakfast known to human kind. There is nothing more satisfying than digging into a big bowl of steaming hot oats topped with literally any mix ins possible. Some of my favourite kinds of oatmeal include a sweet and salty chocolate peanut butter oatmeal (with hidden veggies!), a blended tofu oat bran, chocolate protein oatmeal and even savoury oatbran with a hit of vegemite.


However, the way I eat oatmeal is a taste sensation like no other- I always prep the oatmeal the night before and eat it cold. Not overnight oatmeal style (there is no added yogurt in this), but eaten as it is. The texture resembles a pudding and that, my friends, epitomizes eating dessert for breakfast. Healthy style.

Long term readers know I’m a fan on converting desserts to breakfasts foods. I made keto pancakes and then also turned the infamous lamington into these breakfast classics too. My new victim? My all time favourite cookie in oatmeal form.

Healthy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Oatmeal- The flavours of the infamous cookie in a #healthy #oatmeal form- #glutenfree #vegan #sugarfree and #highprotein-

The amount of money I spent on Subway white chocolate and macadamia cookies would probably buy me a Vitamix had I saved all those dollars. However, those cookies were so damn worth it. I also probably just committed a foodie sin just then. C’est la vie. I’m not one to falsely advertise my recipes as tasting or emulating something they are not.

This, however, is like eating my all time favourite cookie… oatmeal pudding form. Before you ask, of course this can be eaten warm but please- remove the pudding from its title if you do. Oh snap.

Dig in…and know your eating something filling, healthy but most importantly- damn delicious.

Healthy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Oatmeal- The flavours of the infamous cookie in a #healthy #oatmeal form- #glutenfree #vegan #sugarfree and #highprotein-

White chocolate and macadamia oatmeal pudding


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Healthy White Chocolate and Macadamia Oatmeal Pudding

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The infamous subway cookie which is converted to a healthy, delicious oatmeal breakfast!
Servings: 1


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats use GF oats for gluten free option
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup dairy free milk of choice
  • 1 scoop of white chocolate or vanilla protein powder optional*
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 2-3 tablespoon dairy free white chocolate chips divided
  • 2-3 tablespoon chopped macadamia nuts divided
  • Sea salt


  • Combine raw oats with salt and milk and either cook over the stovetop or in a microwave until most of the liquid has been absorbed.
  • Stir in the protein powder, vanilla extract, half a serving of the white chocolate chips and half a serving of the chopped macadamia nuts. The white chocolate chips should melt. Once this is completed, refrigerate uncovered.
  • The next morning, stir around the oatmeal- it should be a pudding like consistency. Top with the remaining white chocolate chips and chopped macadamias and sprinkle with sea salt.
  • Dig in!


The protein powder is optional- If you do not have either of those flavours or not a fan of using protein powder, adjust the amount of chocolate chips to the higher end or to desired sweetness.
Author: Arman
Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Healthy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Oatmeal- The flavours of the infamous cookie in a #healthy #oatmeal form- #glutenfree #vegan #sugarfree and #highprotein-


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Arman Liew

I’m a two time cookbook author, photographer, and writer, and passionate about creating easy and healthier recipes. I believe you don’t need to be experienced in the kitchen to make good food using simple ingredients that most importantly, taste delicious.

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  1. I can’t tell you how many white chocolate macadamia cookies I’ve had from Subway in my secondary school days…

    And, um, white chocolate protein powder exists?!?! Where can I get this? I’ve been missing out!

    1. How good are those cookies- we must have had similar secondary high school days!

      Yes- Designer whey does it, but I prefer it with Dymatize Vanilla Casein- email me for protein recommendations for mix ins etc- I went through a huge phase and probably tried every powder out there. #sueme.

      1. Hi, have you ever found a dairy-free protein that tastes good is low allergen and not stuffed with artificial sweeteners and fillers? A recommendation would be greatly appreciated!

        1. Hi Bailey! If you click on the ‘shop’ tab at the top, I include all my favorite tried and tested protein powders 🙂

  2. This looks amazing! It looks like heaven in a bowl! I’ve had Subway’s white chocolate macadamia nut cookies before. It’s my favorite kind of cookie!

    1. They must have something in them which make them so damn addictive! Heaven in a bowl is a wise description. 😉

  3. I think Subway oatmeal and raisin cookies were partly to blame for my first year of Uni podge. I could eat three of those badboys in a row… My poor body ha. This recipe sounds delightful and I am intrigued to eat cooked oats then made cold.. I love my oats thick and fluffy and my favourite mix ins are… any nut butter, honey, cinnamon, banana or coconut oil/manna – HEAVENLY. Happy Friday!!

    1. Three in a row? Poor effort, Lauren 😉

      These oats are so thick and fluffy- although I reckon my next recipe may be more tailored to you… 😉

  4. I love oatmeal cold. I think that is probably the reason I make a big pot for the week just so I have the cold bowls waiting in the refrigerator. Of course I like it warm too but I agree with you on the texture of cold oatmeal. Yum. I love adding blueberries, peanut butter and really like it mixed with yogurt when I eat it cold.

  5. SHUT YOUR PIE (OAT) HOLE. The fact that i have white chocolate protein powder is begging for me to make this right now. Going to the grocery store for white chocolate chips? yeah i think this is gonna call for its own trip.. CANT WAIT TO MAKE THIS!!

    And I always eat my morning oatmeal hot but many of nights i have “overnight oats” before bed.. twice in one day, yes.

    1. That does indeed deserve a trip in itself for it!

      Twice in one day- love it. You eat them oats like a BOSS.

  6. Clearly we are oatmeal soul mates: We call oatmeal porridge in Trinidad too! And I love cold oatmeal but not necessarily overnight oats. The coconut cookie dough oats I made this week is so damn awesome when it’s cold!
    Prepping this for breakfast one day this weekend 😀

    1. I thought only in Australia and the UK they called it that- hope you enjoy it! I have another oatmeal recipe to come which if you like coconut, you’d love!

  7. This looks too delicious. I like my oatmeal hot for sure. I haven’t had cold oats in forever!

  8. Yummm! I love subway’s white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.

    My favorite oatmeal mix in is peanut butter. I’m not very creative, but it’s delicious.

    1. Peanut butter IS delicious, isn’t it. I have a recipe coming up which may make your taste buds sing…if taste buds could sing.

  9. I love cold oatmeal too! Whether it be just cold or made into overnight oats, I think hot oatmeal makes me queasy sometimes (not sure why – I think it depends on what I put into it). If it’s hot oats my favorite add-ins are either chocolate chips OR peaches/walnuts/spices/brown sugar (so it tastes like peach cobbler). Cold – definitely pb and banana (plus chia seeds for texture). Oatmeal without texture is just BLECH

    1. So true- I once ordered some from starbucks and thought it tasted like dirty soup.

      A peach cobbler style oatmeal- genius.

  10. It may have broken my heart that you don’t love overnight oats as much as I do. But this sounds equally as amazing!! I’ve gotta try this cold, pudding-style oatmeal.
    I don’t think I’ve ever had a Subway cookie, but I’d go for the oatmeal raisin…just because you don’t like that. No, just kidding, that’s actually my favorite.

    1. Al, you NEED to try the white chocolate and macadamia ones.

      Actually, don’t. when I come visit, you’ll be an easy present option- I’ll just swing by Subway first.

  11. Haha love the idea of adding more chocolate if you don’t have he protein powder, think I will go for that option! 😉

    Love macadamia nuts so will add to anything, just wish they weren’t so expensive!

    I love thick porridge, one that your spoon can stand up in!

    1. Ohh Jen, I’ve been experimenting with a new recipe and it gives this a run for it’s money when it comes to thickness!

  12. Oh goodness what is it about Subway cookies that make them so addictive! I am always hesitant about oatmeal recipes that are described as being flavored like a certain cake or cookie, but you are a credible source! I am planning to order some vanilla protein powder and I think I know how i will be putting it to use first. I prefer my oatmeal thick and preferably cold. I made a batch of hot oats the other day and couldn’t do it.

    Gosh that’s a heck load of “I’s” for one comment 😉

    1. YES! Seriously, nothing grinds my gears more than a recipe which does NOT taste like what they claim! Let me know if you need protein powder recommendations- I hang my head in shame at the number of powders I’ve sampled…

  13. I’ve never had those cookies, white chocolate really isn’t my thing. Neither is cold oatmeal, even when it’s warm out though I do like the comparison to pudding 🙂

  14. Yessssss to cold oatmeal! I mean, I never eat mine COLD, cold from the fridge, but I always let them sit for about 30 minutes before I eat them so they can cool down to room temperature and thicken up a bit more. Hot, soupy oatmeal makes me all sorts of ragey. Have you ever tried adding chias or egg whites? That makes for a pretty awesome texture as well!

    1. Love adding egg whites to oats and have an upcoming recipe which NEEDs the good ol’ egg to make it perfection.

      Those 30 minutes….I give you props!

  15. Oh my gosh, I’ve been waiting all week for this! I absolutely love the white chocolate/macadamia combo and I want this in my belly ASAP.
    Oh, and Subway cookies are amazing.