Protein Cereal Bars


4.96 from 47 votes
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Just one bowl and five minutes are needed to whip up these healthy chewy no bake protein cereal bars using just four ingredients! The perfect grab and go snack or sweet treat, these 4 ingredient no bake cereal bars are naturally gluten free, vegan and oil free! 

Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

I seriously wish you could all see my apartment right now.

As of two weeks ago, I officially began recipe development and testing for my upcoming cookbook. After the initial excitement surrounding the book deal slowly died down, it finally hit me that content needed to be created….and with some haste. 

The first thing I did was buy a suitcase (and go online to pay for excess baggage) and stock up on some necessities from Amazon. As nice as it will be to be back in Australia for a little bit, I know I won’t have my favorites at my disposal, like this amazing cocoa powder and coconut flour at such a competitive price. Throw in the lack of peanut flour too and I may have reconsidered even going back home.

Just kidding. I’m craving some friend time, family time and mum’s cooking and washing.

I also REALLY want to have my core taste testers there to ensure every recipe is going to be delicious. 

Long term readers may remember last year, I was quite set on releasing an e-cookbook with original recipes never published on TBMW before. For the first few months, I made my friends try my recipes and give me feedback on them. Every week, I’d give them a handful of new, tested recipes to try and await their thoughts on it.

Since coming to America, I’ve lived between three states and while I’ve had some taste testers here and there- it’s been hard to find consistent ones. Granted, I’m STOKED to have had USPS at my disposal and some amazing blogging friends willing to be my guinea pigs, but when it comes down to something as important as a cookbook- I want the same people to taste the same recipes and give the same critique..



Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

Anyway, amidst all the recipe testing, planning and of course, balancing the blog full time; I’ve needed to be well fueled. Last week, after finishing off my final few (frozen) 3 Ingredient no bake cereal bars, I wanted to whip up another batch.

However, I wanted to give them more staying power so I did just that….

Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

But first- It’s Wednesday! Let’s check out my eats last LAST Thursday (last week was low carb and sad face), in which I caught up with a friend for lunch at the Cheesecake factory. We both went in with intentions to get our own salads AND cheesecake to share. 

You guys, the salads OWNED us. Seriously, they could have fed an army. Granted, after our salads came, my friend was jealous of the onion rings on top of my BBQ Chicken Cobb salad so we both got an order of that on the side…oops.


Breakfast- Vanilla Cake Batter Oatmeal | Lunch- BBQ Chicken Cobb Salad with extra onion rings on the side/ Friend ate the Mexican Chicken Salad | Dinner- Local grill en route home- Basic grilled burger with chipotle aioli and pepper jack cheese. 

Now recipe time!

So as mentioned earlier in the post, after polishing off this batch of 3 ingredient no bake cereal bars, I wanted to make the same but with a protein punch. Similar to how I made these rice crispy treats with added protein powder, I did the same thing here- Simply added a scoop of protein powder (and some random chocolate chips for color) without changing any of the measurements and voila- Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars

Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

These healthy 4 ingredient no bake protein cereal bars are ridiculously easy to whip up and the hard part is waiting for them to firm up- However, a simple blast in the freezer cuts down the time drastically! They are similar to rice crispy treats in terms of taste and texture but unlike the traditional inspiration, they contain NO butter, oil, margarine or marshmallows! Because of the debate regarding whether or not cheerios contain gluten, I opted to use (like before) this cereal which was pretty much the same thing. These no bake protein cereal bars are also gluten free, vegan and dairy free!

HACK! If you don’t follow a vegan lifestyle and/or can handle dairy well, I’d recommend using this casein protein powder for the recipe- It doesn’t have the overpowering vanilla taste and holds beautifully (as pictured!). 

Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

Make these healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars and seriously-

Come to my apartment.

I need help packing.


Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars- Super easy, healthy, homemade protein cereal bars with NO nasties at all! {vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe}-

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Healthy 4 Ingredient No Bake Protein Cereal Bars

4.96 from 47 votes
The perfect grab and go snack or sweet treat, these 4 ingredient no bake cereal bars are naturally gluten free, vegan and oil free!
Servings: 10


  • 2 cups dry cereal I used Whole O’s- Cheerios would work if not strictly gluten free
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 cup smooth nut butter of choice I used peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup brown rice syrup can sub for honey or agave, but add 1 extra tablespoon
  • dairy free chocolate chips optional


  • Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
  • In a large mixing bowl, mix your cereal with your protein powder until combined.
  • In the microwave or stovetop, melt your nut butter with your sticky sweetener and then pour the mixture into the protein cereal mix and stir until fully combined.
  • Pour mixture into the lined baking tray and press firmly into place. Top with chocolate chips if desired and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to firm up. Alternatively, freeze for 10-15 minutes.


Bars should be kept refrigerated for best texture.
Author: Arman
Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.

Arman Liew

I’m a two time cookbook author, photographer, and writer, and passionate about creating easy and healthier recipes. I believe you don’t need to be experienced in the kitchen to make good food using simple ingredients that most importantly, taste delicious.

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  1. You have now given me no excuse to not start buying protein powder! Have you got a post about which brands you use? I am a total protein noob and need all the help I can get! Those salads look AMAZEBALLS btw. Hope you have a wonderful time back home 🙂

    1. For sure! The ones under my ‘shop’ banner are the ones I use with all my recipes and are highly recommended 🙂

      Thank you!

  2. Uhm I totally need that burger in my life!! And those cereal bars look unbelievabl-!

  3. Now you have me craving a burger!
    I love that you added protein to these. Do you have any clue if soy protein would work? I have giant jar and it seems to be an unpopular protein for recipes, so I’m having trouble using it up.
    Thanks for hosting and bringing cereal bars with it!

    1. Hi Kate! I’m not too familiar with soy, as I found it to be quite difficult to work with in shakes/oatmeal (my first try with any protein powder) – Saying that, this could be a recipe to try with it- You may need to adjust the sticky sweetener a tad!

  4. Haha I love that term- procrastibaker! Yes, that’s so me. And good luck with the cookbook! So exciting! Your recipes always inspire me so I can’t wait!

  5. I feel like you just read my mind! I was wondering who gets to eat all your delicious treats. If for some reason your taste testers are not available please send some on the next metro north train to CT!! 😉

    Also that burger you ate for dinner looks awesome!!

  6. I’ve been thinking about getting another amaller freezer because I don’t seem to have enough room in mine!

  7. I am a procrastinator with everything- cleaning cooking, working out…whatever it is that I’m supposed to be doing, I’m going to find 5 other things to do instead.
    These cereal bars look amazing! I live that texture!

  8. Shake hands with the BIGGEST procrasti-packer ever! Love how simple the ingredient list is for these bars, I’ve been on a bar kick lately! Protein/cereal bars, not bars where you drink….or maybe it’s a little bit of both…;)

  9. Hah! I can only imagine what your luggage is going to look like on the way home. I seriously hope they search your luggage…not to be a hassle to you, but just to see the look on the guy’s face when he unzips that suitcase. Maybe you should bring him some of these cereal bars…you know, as proof of what you do. (Yes, officer, a food blogger is a real thing…)

    1. Dude. I need to send you a photo (I’m at LAX now). One suitcase is legit oreos and I’ve already paid $75 for an overweight fee and another fee for a whole new bag.

  10. Cheesecake factory salads are comically large. I think I laughed out loud the first time one came to my table.

    Good luck packing, at least you’ve got all your essentials!

    1. Oh man. Hi from LAX. My total luggage weighed 23 kg + 33 kg + 26 kg. Times that by 2.2 and it’s pounds. 😉

  11. So as I see it you are on the look for a) packers and b) recipe testers. I’d gladly throw together some boxes to be one of your tried and true tasters. I can do both things very efficiently.
    Who knew cheesecake factory had salads!? Geebuz.

  12. I agree with Megan.. Actually (cough pathetically maybe) when I think about my dream kitchen i would love to have just a humongous freezer.. Like a walk in since I primarily use my freezer as opposed to my fridge to store all the things I’ve made

  13. Once I decided that my salad would be improved if I replaced the lettuce with avocado. They are both green after all. Well, I was owned by that salad because it’s had to eat so much avocado in addition to all the other things on top of that bad boy. Still the best salad decision I’ve ever made 🙂